Want to get rich quick? - Make up to 310% profit
Make millions from shares - Know how to be a millionaire
10 tips on how to get rich fast
How to get rich quick if you're a kid
These are just some of the links I found on Google when I typed in 'get rich quick.'
How easy it would be to click on one of these links and get caught up the whole thing. The danger is that Money and Wealth become the centre of life.
Getting rich quick isn't new to today's world. In my quiet time time yesterday I read in Genesis 13 of Lot and Abraham parting ways because they had too much property and lifestock between them to live in the same area. Abraham let Lot choose, he chose the lush, flourishing country that would give him the quick turnaround. So that left Abraham with the land that had to be worked on and toiled.
The problem with the land that Lot chose was that it was near Sodom, the city that God eventually destroyed because it was so full of sin, they were just so self centred and only interested in themselves and their wealth. As time went by for Lot he eventually moved inside Sodom and lived there becoming a respected citizen. He was on a downward spiral being heavily influenced by the inhabitants of Sodom, to the point of offering his virgin daughters for their pleasure.
No matter how rich or wealthy we become in this world, through the things of this world, We will still be poor and in danger of becoming like Lot.
True richness comes from knowing the saving grace of God.
Be satisfied with what you have and don't seek the riches of this world.
The apostle Paul puts is simply in Philippians 3 while talking about what he once found important and valuable.
'I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him'
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